Sacred geometry Platonic solid healing shape set
Clear Quartz Sacred Geometry Set
A Sacred Geometry Set has a group of 5 shapes, and is also called Platonic Solids. They are seen by some psychics as the building blocks of the universe.
All is made from combinations of the geometries and therefore when things are out of balance or shifts to a new energy are desired, geometries will help facilitate this!
This sacred geometry set covers the 5 elements – Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Universe/ spirit
Why - how to use sacred geometry crystals
The geometric symbols are visual instruments that can help bring our vibrations into harmony with the rhytms of nature. the same refined, regenerative technology that nature has evolved can be used in ways to help organize our own thought patterns.
Sacred geometry is the foundation to EVErYTHInG in the universe - each shape related to a chakra , auric level , meridian etc
These can be used to place within healing space or on the body.
use in a crystal grid to amplify the intention being set - ie cube base chakra protection and grounding
They can be matched elemetally to the compass points to help with geopathic stress and fengshui cures their uses are endless
Clearquartz is known as the master healer so perfect for body and healing work.
This offering is for one (1) set of 5 shapes presented in a wooden box