Smoky Needle Quartz Mini 30g Crystal Grid Point Pack
Smoky Needle Quartz Mini 30g Crystal Grid Point Pack
Smoky Needle Quartz Mini 30g Crystal Grid Point Pack
Smoky Needle Quartz Mini 30g Crystal Grid Point Pack
Fairy Leonie’s Crystals

Smoky Needle Quartz Mini 30g Crystal Grid Point Pack

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Needle point Quartz are all about directing pinpoint energy! So exceptionally useful to use on your crystal grid or altar.point outwards to direct energy away to the universe or inwards towards a central point to amplify energy.or perhaps you’d prefer to use them to direct grounding energy into your aura or chakras by placing around or on the body’s energy centres?
these tiny beauties are weighed into 30g packs and come in all shapes and sizes. Each piece is natural and are never perfect. Look for interesting formations to add to the metaphysical properties of these babies. Growth interference, etchings, isis faces you may even be lucky enough to get a twin.

  • Hold Smoky Quartz to relieve tension and stress, anxiety, or panic attacks; also to ward off negative thinking, and to eliminate worry and doubt when faced with chaos or confusion.
  • Place Smoky Quartz in the home or work environment to filter out bad moods, unspoken resentments, or disparaging remarks that drain your strength and enthusiasm.
  • shield against co-worker bullying, hostility or gossip at work, or a bullying boss or manager, set dark Smoky Quartz points outwards on your desk in a semi-circle to create a calm, safe area in which to work
  • Because Smoky Quartz is naturally irradiated, it draws upon those frequencies to counter negative effects of radiation, including sunburn, exposure to radioactive materials, medical radiation and chemotherapy. [Ahsian, 367][Hall, 240-241][Gienger, 80][Eason, 122]


Any crystals used for energy work need to be regularly cleansed. I suggest placing in full moon moonlight to energize, and revitalise. To cleanse, It can also be smudged/ moved through sage smoke or incense, my favourite  way to cleanse is to place on a selenite charging plate or near selenite overnight.

This listing is for one (1) 30g of natural smoky Quartz  points all various shapes, colour shades, sizes and formations. You will receive similar crystals to those pictured above- quantities vary due to size/weight of individual stones . Some of their unique features include heavily etched encoding and growth Interference. Sizes vary from small1cm to 3cm please see photos for samples

Yours will arrive lovingly parcelled along with a card describing the properties of the stone as well as a complimentary crystal care sheet. Rest assured every piece i supply has been hand chosen as if i was keeping it for myself-

Crystal Blessings


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