Blog — activation
Starseed Crystal Lowdown
activation crystal energy work crystal meditation starseed

A Starseed is said to be an advanced spiritual being. Originating from other planets, other realms that possess spiritual and scientific knowledge dating back hundreds of thousands of years. Join me down the rabbit hole of starseed crystal energy.
Crystal Grids
activation blog crystal grid crystals energy gridding intention purpose sacred geometry sacred space
Simply put a crystal grid is “a placement of crystals and or other objects, placed in a geometric pattern made for a specific purpose or intention. Their purpose is to direct energy towards a certain goal.” The idea is to have a “master Crystal” or symbol in the centre as the primary energy force surrounded by crystals that “energetically match” your goal or intention. Gridding has been used since ancient times- even stonehenge is a grid of sorts! Your grid can be as simple or as complicated as you wish. Its not just restricted to a table or altar, grids can...