Blog — sacred geometry

Where are you holding your Energy ? BASE CHAKRA

balance base chakra chakra chakra balance crystal layouts emotional energy energetic hygiene energy blocks energy work meridians raising your vibration sacred geometry wellbeing

Where are you holding your Energy ?  BASE CHAKRA

Where are you holding your Emotional Energy?
Crystals- chakras -physical - emotional energy
Let’s delve down the rabbit hole of emotional energy and physical shifts in the body In relation to the base or root chakra.

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Sacred Geometry - Platonic solids the secret building blocks

Platonic solids sacred geometry

Sacred Geometry - Platonic solids the secret building blocks

Sacred geometry and the 5 Platonic solids are the molecular building blocks and secrets to the entire reason our crystals function as they do.

Join me in depth to how each one relates to crystal healing and energy use.

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Merkabah- the magic of sacred geometry

merkabah sacred geometry

Merkabah- the magic of sacred geometry

The Merkabah or star of david is a powerful sacred geometry symbol.

Sacred geometry is at the heart of all life forms and even our crystals- please join me with a deeper look into the Merkabah, how its symbolism relates to our energy requirements AND our crystals.

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Crystal Grids

activation blog crystal grid crystals energy gridding intention purpose sacred geometry sacred space

Crystal Grids

  Simply put a crystal grid is  “a placement of crystals and or other objects, placed in a geometric pattern made for a specific purpose or intention. Their purpose is to direct energy towards a certain goal.” The idea is to have a “master Crystal” or symbol in the centre as the primary energy force surrounded by crystals that  “energetically match” your goal or intention. Gridding has been used since ancient times- even stonehenge is a grid of sorts! Your grid can be as simple or as complicated as you wish. Its not just restricted to a table or altar, grids can...

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Earth Star Chakra

anxiety balance black kyanite black tourmaline blog chakra connection crystals and chakras earth earth star chakra earthing energy systems etheric grounding lodestone magnetite meditation news pyrite sacred geometry sub personal chakra visualisation wellbeing

Earth Star Chakra

Earth Star Chakra There’s always a lot of talk and information about the 7 common chakra energy systems of our bodies. There are  more energy centres and layers to our bodies/etheric that are rarely spoken about. The earth star chakra is what is known as a “sub personal” chakra, “super root chakra” or “new” chakra. Kinda like a super charged V8 of the base or root chakra energy centre. To my mind it along with the soul star chakra are two of the most important chakras in the 12 chakra system! Particularly as i see the symptoms of this being unbalanced...

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