Blog — the five elements

Crystals and the Elements

4 elements air crystals crystals and the elements earth elemental crystal cleansing elements ether fire the five elements water

Crystals and the Elements

If you are wishing a deeper connection to your crystals and how you can make them effectively work for you .
This information will give you a brief guide into the hidden path you can take with your stones.join me on a journey into the elements 

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Meridians- Crystal Points/Wands

black tourmaline blog crystal energy work crystal healing magnetite meridians recalibrating selenite the five elements transmutting energy wellbeing

Meridians- Crystal Points/Wands

I talk a lot about using crystals to balance chakra correspondences but let’s go another energy level deeper. Those of you who work in the field as professionals may be familiar working with the body’s meridian points.

Follow me on a journey between each meridian, crystal correspondences and wellbeing tips.

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