Blog — etheric
Energetic Boundaries
aura brushing auric cleansing auric hygiene boundaries courage crystal energy work empath empathetic crystals energetic boundaries energetic hygiene energy work etheric geopathic

Energetic boundaries
We will be having a look at a few ways and techniques of course using your crystalline friends to establish some personal boundaries!
Earth Star Chakra
anxiety balance black kyanite black tourmaline blog chakra connection crystals and chakras earth earth star chakra earthing energy systems etheric grounding lodestone magnetite meditation news pyrite sacred geometry sub personal chakra visualisation wellbeing
Earth Star Chakra There’s always a lot of talk and information about the 7 common chakra energy systems of our bodies. There are more energy centres and layers to our bodies/etheric that are rarely spoken about. The earth star chakra is what is known as a “sub personal” chakra, “super root chakra” or “new” chakra. Kinda like a super charged V8 of the base or root chakra energy centre. To my mind it along with the soul star chakra are two of the most important chakras in the 12 chakra system! Particularly as i see the symptoms of this being unbalanced...