Blog — selenite
Meridians- Crystal Points/Wands
black tourmaline blog crystal energy work crystal healing magnetite meridians recalibrating selenite the five elements transmutting energy wellbeing

I talk a lot about using crystals to balance chakra correspondences but let’s go another energy level deeper. Those of you who work in the field as professionals may be familiar working with the body’s meridian points.
Follow me on a journey between each meridian, crystal correspondences and wellbeing tips.
My Top 7 Essentials For Crystal Healing
crystal healing crystals and chakras earth star chakra energetic hygiene energy work high vibrational crystals lemurian seed crystal lodestone magnetite natural crystal wands protection selenite smoky quartz

Selenite v Satin Spar - let’s clear things up
aura brushing auric cleansing auric hygiene crystals high vibrational crystals purify raising your vibration sacred space satin spar selenite

Let’s take a deeper look into satin spar selenite and selenite. We will clear up the mystery of this crystal and I’ll give you some hints and tips into using your selenite.
‘Recipe’ Gridding Your Home For EMF Protection
black tourmaline blog crystal grid electromagnetic frequency emf emr Home protection protection selenite

Energetic Hygiene
amethyst aura brushing auric hygiene black tourmaline blog cleanse clear quartz energetic hygiene energy energy blocks kyanite natural crystal wands purify selenite smoky quartz

Just as we brush our teeth & look after our personal hygiene, our energetic layers ‘aura’s’ require rejuvenating too. Our aura’s are an invisible electromagnetic field that surround our bodies. Just as we cleanse our sacred space, we also need to release energy blockages & disperse vibrations that do not serve our higher good. Enjoy these tips, tricks and crystal information to help revitalise and re-energize the body and spirit.