Blog — energy work

My Top Crystals for Alignment, Spiritual Downloads, Psychic Abilities & Intuition

alignment energy work spiritual spiritual awakening spiritual crystals

My Top Crystals for Alignment, Spiritual Downloads, Psychic Abilities & Intuition

My top crystals for alignment , spiritual downloads, psychic abilities and intuition 

Lets explore crystalline frequencies that help us align, receive spiritual downloads, enhance psychic abilities and intuition. With their help, we can become better at manifesting, better at visualizing, connecting to source and more importantly, better at trusting ourselves and the Divine.

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Where are you holding your Energy ? BASE CHAKRA

balance base chakra chakra chakra balance crystal layouts emotional energy energetic hygiene energy blocks energy work meridians raising your vibration sacred geometry wellbeing

Where are you holding your Energy ?  BASE CHAKRA

Where are you holding your Emotional Energy?
Crystals- chakras -physical - emotional energy
Let’s delve down the rabbit hole of emotional energy and physical shifts in the body In relation to the base or root chakra.

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Energetic Boundaries

aura brushing auric cleansing auric hygiene boundaries courage crystal energy work empath empathetic crystals energetic boundaries energetic hygiene energy work etheric geopathic

Energetic Boundaries

Energetic boundaries

Do you feel like you are exhausted by the demands of people around you? Are you overloaded and that last request is just too too much ?
We will be having a look at a few ways and techniques of course using your crystalline friends to establish some personal boundaries!

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Deeper Pendulum Energy work. Using a pendulum for balancing the body’s energy

chakra balance cleansing crystal healing crystals and chakras divination energetic hygiene energy blocks energy sensing energy work pendulum

Deeper Pendulum Energy work. Using a pendulum for balancing the body’s energy

Deeper Pendulum Energy work

Using a pendulum for balancing the body’s energy


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Shadow Working with Crystals - a simple guide to the deeper aspects of yourself.

auric cleansing black tourmaline crystal energy work crystal healing energy blocks energy work high vibrational crystals Shadow work

Shadow Working with Crystals -  a simple guide to the deeper aspects of yourself.

Shadow work has become a buzz word on social media -a mystic magical dark sounding phrase which really isn’t all that mysterious.
So lets talk shadows -
What does shadow work mean?" "What is your shadow self?"
"How do you heal your shadow qualities?"

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