Blog — energetic hygiene
Where are you holding your Energy ? BASE CHAKRA
balance base chakra chakra chakra balance crystal layouts emotional energy energetic hygiene energy blocks energy work meridians raising your vibration sacred geometry wellbeing

Energetic Boundaries
aura brushing auric cleansing auric hygiene boundaries courage crystal energy work empath empathetic crystals energetic boundaries energetic hygiene energy work etheric geopathic

Energetic boundaries
We will be having a look at a few ways and techniques of course using your crystalline friends to establish some personal boundaries!
Deeper Pendulum Energy work. Using a pendulum for balancing the body’s energy
chakra balance cleansing crystal healing crystals and chakras divination energetic hygiene energy blocks energy sensing energy work pendulum

Deeper Pendulum Energy work
Using a pendulum for balancing the body’s energy
Caring for your Tarot and Oracle Cards
cleansing energetic hygiene oracle cards tarot cards

Cleansing and recharging isn’t just limited to your crystals. When was the last time you cleansed your oracle or tarot cards?
Join me with my top 10 tips on reenergising and cleansing your cards.
My Top 7 Essentials For Crystal Healing
crystal healing crystals and chakras earth star chakra energetic hygiene energy work high vibrational crystals lemurian seed crystal lodestone magnetite natural crystal wands protection selenite smoky quartz