Blog — Smudge

Who’s Smudging out the Old year?

declutter intention intentions new new year smudge space clearing white sage

Who’s Smudging out the Old year?

Who is smudging out the new old year?
Tonight is the crest of the old into the new year- whether you are a believer or not today is the perfect time to set your intentions for the upcoming cycle. clean and clear your sacred space to invite in some new vibes.

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Cleansing and Purifying Negative Vibes

Blog negative energy sacred space Smudge white sage

Cleansing and Purifying Negative Vibes

If your feeling a little stuck or yeuk, maybe there’s been an illness or you want to shift some negative energy. Why not take a tip from the ancients and smudge with white sage? Here are a few handy hints and tips to help you on your way.

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