Blog — lemurian seed crystal
My Top 7 Essentials For Crystal Healing
crystal healing crystals and chakras earth star chakra energetic hygiene energy work high vibrational crystals lemurian seed crystal lodestone magnetite natural crystal wands protection selenite smoky quartz

Soul Star Chakra - “The Seat of the Soul”
blog chakra balance crystals and chakras danburite lemurian seed crystal selenite soul star chakra
Soul Star Chakra- “The Seat of the Soul”
If you haven’t worked with this chakra yet you are in for a journey to the spirit. This chakra is associated with the origin of enlightenment and with the principle of ascention. Think of this chakra as the storage bank for the soul!
What is the soul star chakra?
Why Connect with it?
Signs you need to work on it and what crystal energies can you use to help balance this chakra?