Blog — empath

Energetic Boundaries

aura brushing auric cleansing auric hygiene boundaries courage crystal energy work empath empathetic crystals energetic boundaries energetic hygiene energy work etheric geopathic

Energetic Boundaries

Energetic boundaries

Do you feel like you are exhausted by the demands of people around you? Are you overloaded and that last request is just too too much ?
We will be having a look at a few ways and techniques of course using your crystalline friends to establish some personal boundaries!

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Fairy Leonie's Crystals top Empath Protection Tricks

blog empath empathetic crystals empowerment protection Psychic vampires tips & tricks

Fairy Leonie's Crystals top Empath Protection Tricks

Fairy Leonie’s  Crystals
Do you find crowded places Overwhelming? 
Can you tell instantly if someone is lying or being dishonest or
find it easy to instinctively know if someone is a good or bad person?
Do you get depressed or sad without knowing why?  Or find it hard to sleep?
Well you may just well be an EMPATH.
Read on to find my top two techniques to help protect and shield your energy.

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