Tonight is the crest of the old into the new year- whether you are a believer or not today is the perfect time to set your intentions for the upcoming cycle. It is also an opportunity to cleanse out the old vibes to make way for new energy.
You can waft around some white sage but in order to get the full vibe BUT you’ll need to do some deeper work to get the full clearing experience .
By this you’ll need to:
* Clean and cleanse your sacred space
* Declutter your space - what want to take with you forward into the new year?
* Release what does not serve you or what you have outgrown
It is then that you can smudge your heart out. The thing about the ritual of smudging is we can match our intention to a specific herb, resin or oil.

Just a quick note here - I notice some of you are using cooking sage - The main sage species used for cooking is garden sage (Salvia officinalis), which is great for eating but not so good for for Energy work. please be aware that many of these varieties are not useful for ritual purposes as their energetic purpose does not match that of white sage - it simply is not the same vibration. White sage -( Salvia apiana) is used for ceremonial purposes: the dried leaves are burned for ritual cleansing. It is not used for cooking and it is the high vibration which is used to shift energy.
Of course the cleansing and clearing of white sage may not be the intention you are wishing to vibe. Palo Santo lifts the energy, revitalises and reenergises space. Or perhaps you wish to use your essential oils or burn resin , use your singing bowl or simply rock out to your favourite music ??
Whatever you choose your intention is the secret and starting with a new ‘broom’ to literally sweep out the old energy to make space for the new.
Grab your favourite crystals and enjoy
Wishing you crystal blessings of happiness, health and prosperity
Xxx leonie